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Oxon Bird Pics Autumn/Winter 2011/12

  Great Grey Shrike

Great Grey Shrike, South Leigh

23 March 2012

After something of a barren patch, it is good to be "back in the groove"!

This bird was quite confiding, as reported by others.

Click pic to enlarge

   Goosander, River Thames at Farmoor

11 February 2012

This female was fortunately flushed towards me along the river by some walkers on the opposite side.

    Blue Tit, Bushy Leaze Copse

11 February 2012

With some snow & ice around.

   Great Tit, Bushy Leaze Copse

21 January 2012

A somewhat different subject from the phalarope below!

  Grey Phalarope Grey Phalarope, Farmoor

21 January 2012

A most unusual winter visit from this dainty wader. Quite difficult to photograph in the rough conditions, despite its tameness.

A good low camera angle on this one - worth the resulting wet feet!

Click pic to enlarge.

Grey Phalarope, Farmoor

21 January 2012

As above, but a slightly raised camera angle.

Grey Phalarope, Farmoor

21 January 2012

Closer (frame filling) but by now the sun had disappeared.

   Hen Harrier

8 January 2012

A considerable improvement on my 3 December effort (see below), but still some way to go for a notable result! I had the exposure compensation all wrong for this surprise close (ish) encounter, which certainly didn't help on this ISO 1600 shot taken into the light, just as dusk was gathering.

   Cormorant, Farmoor

7 January 2012

On a nearer than usual buoy from the causeway - easier than the highly mobile GND!

  Great Northern Diver Great Northern Diver, Farmoor

2 January 2012

A sunny day at last for some of the day at least! Unfortunately, this GND wasn't coming too close, but this photo is reasonable, despite the distance. It has benefitted from a fair amount of processing...

  Hen Harrier Hen Harrier, Otmoor

3 December 2011

Showing briefly and distantly over the reeds from the second screen, near which the Kestrel shown below was hovering. Probably my best Hen Harrier pic to date, which isn't saying much!

  Kestrel Kestrel, Otmoor

3 December 2011

Hovering near the second screen.

  Snow Bunting Snow Bunting, Farmoor

12 November 2011

A moderately obliging bird at times. This photo was taken during the dull conditions in the morning.

With the Lapland in September (see below), this makes two locally rare buntings in one autumn at Farmoor!

Click pic to enlarge

Snow Bunting Snow Bunting, Farmoor

12 November 2011

Another photo taken in the morning.

Click pic to enlarge

Snow Bunting Snow Bunting, Farmoor

12 November 2011

Taken in the afternoon when it was somewhat brighter. By then it was spending most of its time at the water's edge.

Click pic to enlarge

   Golden Plover, Port Meadow

5 November 2011

After a blank October, this poor Golden Plover photo is at least something! These birds were very wary, and the light was awful. It is however my only shot of this species to date. Getting a better one is the next challenge.

  Kingfisher Kingfisher, Letcombe Bassett

24 September 2011

Very quiet at Farmoor this morning, but this more local spot compensated slightly!

  Lapland Bunting Lapland Bunting, Farmoor

17 September 2011

Another great find by Dave Lowe, just a week after the Citrine Wagtail!

After it had been relocated mid-morning, this bird was very confiding, but was difficult to photograph well, as it hardly ever stopped moving, and the light was difficult.

This is a slightly distant, and hence quite heavily cropped shot but the warmer colours (due to the lighting being better) give a nicer overall effect than the shot below.

Click to enlarge

Lapland Bunting Lapland Bunting, Farmoor

17 September 2011

This is a closer and shaper pic than the above, but the light direction is all wrong!

  Wheatear Wheatear, Farmoor

17 September 2011

Having arrived about 10sec after the Lapland Bunting had disappeared for the first time, this Wheatear on the west side of F1 proved a welcome diversion while waiting for the Lap. to be re-found!

This is probably my closest Wheatear pic - virtually frame filling!

Click to enlarge

Citrine Wagtail Citrine Wagtail, Farmoor

10 September 2011

A county first and a world lifer for me!! Many thanks to Dave Lowe for first finding this bird, and then re-finding it on the causeway for those who missed it by about ten minutes first time around (like me).

Click to enlarge

Citrine Wagtail Citrine Wagtail, Farmoor

10 September 2011

As above.

Click to enlarge

Citrine Wagtail, Farmoor

10 September 2011

No apologies for another, slightly different shot of this super bird!

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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