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Dragonfly and Damselfly Photos 2018

  Migrant Hawker, Farmoor, Oxon

27 September

Still active from the bridge over the pond in Buckthorn Meadow.
  Migrant Hawker, Farmoor, Oxon

6 September

From the bridge over the pond in Buckthorn Meadow - in the superb light before the cloud rolled in.

My customary late season Migrant Hawker flight shot, taken with the 500f4 and the x1.4TC!

In Flickr, this photo has been invited into the much coveted Explore group (a daily selection of 500 "interesting" images)

Click to enlarge
Migrant Hawker, Farmoor, Oxon

6 September

This crop of the image below is probably more effective.

In Flickr, this photo has also been invited into the much coveted Explore group (a daily selection of 500 "interesting" images), as was the one above, making for a productive few minutes at Buckthorn Meadow!
Migrant Hawker, Farmoor, Oxon

6 September

As above, but more of a front-on shot.
  Small red eyed Damselfly, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon

7 August 2018

Somewhat fewer of this very localised species in the county today, but still probably more than 100 present all over the pond and in some of the adjacent bushes. Something of a contrast with the one seen briefly at Radley earlier in the week (see below)!
  Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Radley Lakes (Orchard Lake), Oxon

3 August 2018

A record shot of the singleton I found briefly here before it disappeared. A very short section of shore produced this speces,  Emerald Damselfly, Red-eyed Damselfly, Blue-tailed and Common Blue Damsels, not to mention a late Four-spotted Chaser and ovipositing Brown Hawker!
  Black-tailed Skimmer, Radley Lakes (Orchard Lake), Oxon

3 August 2018

Obligingly settled by the "beach".
  Small red eyed Damselfly, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon

27 July 2018

These insects were everywhere - on everything floating on the pond and in some of the pond-side vegetation. I don't think I have ever seen them before away from floating algal mats. Must have been 200+!
  Emperor, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon

27 July 2018

Managed to get focus lock and then a brief burst of shots on this Emperor that briefly almost hovered some way out. Has cropped quite well.
   Common Darter, Farmoor, Oxon

26 July 2018

Along the Thames path behind Pinkhill. I like the dark background, but not sure about the barbed wire!
  Golden Ringed Dragonfly Golden Ringed Dragonfly, Warren Heath, Hampshire

19 July 2018

This was only my second visit to this site, and I found it even more overgrown and inaccessible than before.

I had a fleeting glimpse of an emerald (possibly Brilliant) at the western reservoir which also had Emperor, Brown Hawker, Keeled Skimmer and Emerald Damselfly. The eastern reservoir was more open and fewer species.

As on my first visit, this Golden Ringed was along the tiny stream that feeds the reservoirs, reached by an overgrown path from the track at 51.322359, -0.881257.
  Southern Emerald Damselfly, Beaconsfield, Bucks

16 July 2018

Thanks to Dave, their original finder, who I met by chance I connected easily this time with the Southern Emeralds - my first UK sightings and photos of this species!

There were plenty present around the correct pool, including several tandem pairs.
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Southern Emerald Damselfly, Beaconsfield, Bucks

16 July 2018

The view from above. 
Southern Emerald Damselfly, Beaconsfield, Bucks

16 July 2018

One of the tandem pairs
Southern Emerald Damselfly, Beaconsfield, Bucks

16 July 2018

An immature male, I think.
  Emerald Damselfly, Beaconsfield, Bucks

14 July 2018

Plenty of these at a nice pool near the recycling centre, but no sign of their Southern cousins, as it turned out I (and another) were looking at the wrong pool!

Click to enlarge
  Blue tailed Damselfly, Trap Grounds, Oxford

13 July 2018

A lovely new site for me - an amazing urban oasis with several ponds. This was however the only Odonata that posed for photos during my visit.
  Emperor, Tar Lakes, Oxon

11 July 2018

A female ovipositing. Another damaged insect but not so obvious on this photo.
  Red-eyed Damselfly, Tar Lakes, Oxon

11 July 2018

Nicely posed but a little distant.
  Emperor, Faringdon Folly Park Pond

6 July 2018

Nice view but of a very damaged insect. Amazing it can still fly! 
  Ruddy Darter, Faringdon Folly Park Pond

6 July 2018

"Oblisking" in the heat - something not seen that often in the UK!
  Ruddy Darter, Otmoor, Oxon

23 June 2018 

Many immatures around today - all along the paths.
  Four spotted Chaser, Farmoor, Oxon

9 June 2018 

Large numbers of this species at Buckthorn and Shrike Meadows as well as Pinkhill once the sun made an appearance.
  Four spotted Chaser, Farmoor, Oxon

9 June 2018 

As above. This was taken from the "bridge" at Buckthorn  Meadows. 
  Club tailed Dragonfly, Thames south of Goring, Oxon

3 June 2018

A lucky and fleeting encounter before the Railway Bridge. It flew off and disappeared before I could get any further shots.

This is a male showing a hint of green on the abdomen which is a sign of maturity.
Southern Damselfly, Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon

2 June 2018

Good to see reasonable numbers of this very localised species today when the sun came out.

View directly from above showing the diagnostic markings on S2 clearly.
Southern Damselfly, Dry Sandford Pit, Oxon

2 June 2018

A slightly different view, with the background less intrusive.
  Banded Demoiselle, Tadpole Bridge, Oxon

27 May 2018

There were hundreds in the vegetation by the Thames path between Tadpole Bridge and Rushey Lock. Most were very jumpy but this one posed just long enough.

Click to enlarge
   Banded Demoiselle, Goring, Oxon

19 May 2018

Emerging under a small bridge by the river, near the village. There was one empty Clubtail exuvia near this and another on the wall under the Railway Bridge but no adults seen.
Banded Demoiselle, Goring, Oxon

19 May 2018

Recently emerged under the Railway Bridge.
© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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