and Damselfly Pics 2017
Migrant Hawker, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon
2 September 2017
Good sunny conditions at this site
today with plenty of Odonata around, despite all the human
disturbance. This Migrant Hawker only settled briefly - but
just long enough! |
Emerald Damselfly, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon
2 September 2017
Good to finally catch up with this
species at this site, previously seen by others here. |
Migrant Hawker, Pinkhill, Farmoor Res, Oxon
2 September
From the Pinkhill hide - a very similar image to last
week, but slightly sunnier! |
Ruddy Darter, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon
26 August 2017
The darters were very skittish today and
difficult to approach at all closely. |
Migrant Hawker, Pinkhill, Farmoor Res, Oxon
26 August
From the Pinkhill hide - over the new pools |
Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Faringdon Folly Park Pond, Oxon
6 August 2017
Following counts of many more just a few
days ago, there were only c. 20 showing today, in less than ideal
conditions at this urban site.
Photography was difficult as
these tiny damselflies were some way out, with foreground
vegetation and not often sideways on. This was taken with the x1.4
converter on my 100-400 lens followed by heavy cropping. |
Common Blue Damselfly, Tar Lakes, Oxon
8 July 2017
Back in good old Oxon after trips to Scotland and Dorset!
Not a lot of photo opportunities today so I thought I'd try
some flight shots of the masses of Common Blue Damsels that were
everywhere in the hot sunny conditions. |
Golden-ringed Dragonfly, Crockford Stream, Hampshire.
July 2017
This was my first visit to this premier dragonfly
site, which was pretty productive in the hot, sunny weather - only
spoilt somewhat by a breeze.
There were a number of
Golden-ringed present - they were more numerous further from the
road where the stream becomes boggy. In the hot conditions I found
they weren't settling very well, but others seemed to be having
more success. |
Keeled Skimmer, Crockford Stream, Hampshire.
7 July
Numerous along the full length of the stream. |
Southern Damselfly, Crockford Stream, Hampshire.
7 July
Also very numerous |
Southern Damselfly, Crockford Stream, Hampshire.
7 July
The view from above showing the distinctive markings
on the abdomen. |
Beautiful Demoiselle, Crockford Stream, Hampshire.
July 2017
There were plenty of these all along the stream.
This shot was taken in the little pool right by the road. |
Northern Damselfly, Loch Garten, Highland
22 June 2017
Driving over from Aberdeen in the afternoon, I arrived at the
roadside pool with the boardwalk (57.252582,-3.714661) around 5pm.
Conditions were just good enough for these damsels to be showing.
One was briefly quite close to the boardwalk but relatively low
down in the horsetails - so difficult to get good shots.
visited this site a few times over the next three days but none
were showing probably due to the windy and often cool conditions. |
Emerald Damselfly, Loch Garten, Highland
22 June 2017
Around the far edge of the Northern Damsel pool. |
Beautiful Demoiselle, Otmoor, Oxon
3 June 2017
Responding to a tip-off, we looked carefully for this at the
eastern end of the bridleway, and sure enough there was one male
and a female "showing well". My first record of this species from
Otmoor. |
Beautiful Demoiselle, Otmoor, Oxon
3 June 2017
See above |
Four spotted Chaser, Otmoor, Oxon
3 June 2017
Encouragingly high numbers of these around today. |
Common Blue Damselfly, Radcot Lock, Oxon
27 May 2017
While on an abortive Clubtail hunt in poor weather. |
Club-tailed Dragonfly, Tadpole Bridge, Oxon
14 May 2017
Getting the new season and the BDS clubtail count off to a good
start! This adult was right by the Thames Path just west of the
bridge. No other sightings between here and Radcot, though
although there were plenty of Banded Demoiselles up until Radcot
lock. |
Club-tailed Dragonfly, Tadpole Bridge, Oxon
14 May 2017
Another shot before it abruptly departed - disturbed by the
wind, I think. |
Club-tailed Dragonfly exuvia, Goring, Oxon
13 May 2017
No emergent insects today but plenty of exuviae - in the three
1km squares between the village and the Railway Bridge! |
© All pictures
copyright Stephen Burch |