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Dragonfly and Damselfly Pics 2013

  Migrant Hawker Migrant Hawker, Maldon, Essex

28 September 2013

A very dozy individual which allowed a much closer approach with my hand-held macro lens than is normally possible with hawkers.
  Willow Emerald Willow Emerald, Maldon, Essex

28 September 2013

This species is my fifth new addition to my photo collection of British dragonflies and damselflies this year, and caps a very successful summer.

We were lucky with the weather on this trip - it was only just good enough for these to show when it brightened up briefly from time to time.

Click to enlarge
Willow Emeralds Willow Emeralds, Maldon, Essex

28 September 2013

See above. This tandem pair was settled on this tree above the river in a brief brighter spell.
  Emerald Damselfly Emerald Damselfly, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

7 September 2013

I managed to find five of this species which was first recorded from this site only last year. I hope they are here to stay, but much will probably depend on the water level (falling fast at present).
  Migrant Hawker Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

31 August 2013

An obliging settled individual.

Click to enlarge
Migrant Hawker Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

31 August 2013

A close up taken from the photo above.
  Migrant Hawker Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

31 August 2013

The customary late season flight shot of one of these! Present in reasonable numbers (c. 10) today in quite good conditions where sheltered from the cool wind.
 Common Darter
Common Darter, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

10 August 2013

Many present today, especially when the sun came out briefly.
 Small Red-eyed Damselfly
Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

10 August 2013

The speciality of this site where it has been seen every year since at least 2006. I could only find one in less than brilliant conditions though, and that was hardly obliging being well out from the bank.
 Azure Hawker
Azure Hawker, Bridge of Grudie, Highland

20 July 2013

Much brighter & hotter conditions than a week ago (almost too hot - nothing was settling for any length of time).

I was fortunate to get a few photos of this superb Azure Hawker settled momentarily on this old tree stump.
 Northern Emerald
Northern Emerald, Bridge of Grudie, Highland

20 July 2013

A poor record shot of this elusive species, high up in a tree, where this female stayed for ages. There was no way to get a better photo!

The diagnostic yellow spot on the side of the base of the abdomen is just visible.

This photo made it four additions to my UK Odonata collection in successive weeks - a remarkable sequence, impossible now to repeat!
 Azure Hawker
Azure Hawker, Bridge of Grudie, Highland

13 July 2013

I'm grateful to another group of 4 Odonata seekers who found this in a brief spell of slightly brighter conditions.

However I was only able to get a short sequence of shots before they flushed it (no thanks for that guys!).

This makes up for the "one that got away" at this site two years ago.

 Scarce blue tailed Damselfly
Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly, Latchmore Brook, New Forest, Hampshire

6 July 2013

Following an unsuccessful visit to the New Forest for this species in 2011, I was very pleased to connect with a couple of males on this visit in excellent conditions.

Many thanks indeed to Paul Ritchie for his spot on directions!

Click pic to enlarge.
Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly
Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly, Latchmore Brook, New Forest, Hampshire

6 July 2013

See above - the view of the upperside. Note the characteristic small amount of blue on the rear of segment 8, and the two tiny dark spots on segment 9.
 Broad-bodied Chaser
Broad-bodied Chaser, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

30 June 2013

Back to my local site today for the first time this season - in great conditions for dragonflies. Makes a nice change!
 Four spotted Chaser
Four spotted Chaser, Decoy Heath, Berks

29 June 2013

On one of the other pools that are now getting quite difficult to find/access.
 Brilliant Emerald
Brilliant Emerald, Decoy Heath, Berks

29 June 2013

A new species for me and one that I have been after for some time now!!

It wasn't easy to get even this mediocre flight shot but it is identifiable - note the yellow on the frons that is absent on Downy Emerald (which was also present flying around above the same pool, but at a lower level).

Thanks to Adrian Hickman for the heads up on this one.
 Hairy Dragonfly
Hairy Dragonfly, Roman Road, Otmoor, Oxon

8 June 2013

As I have found previously - a difficult species to photograph well. This one only settled for a few moments before flying off and disappearing.

Unfortunately a battered specimen - with one wing almost entirely missing.
 Four Spotted Chaser
Four Spotted Chaser, Roman Road, Otmoor, Oxon

8 June 2013

Only one or two of these were showing from time to time.
 Azure Damselfly
Azure Damselfly, Roman Road, Otmoor, Oxon

8 June 2013

Seems to be "the" dragonfly site in the county at present! Being sheltered certainly helps. There were hundred's of Azure's along this short stretch of path.
 Large Red Damselfly
Large Red Damselfly, Pinkhill, Oxon

18 May 2013

Again a late start to the dragonfly season this year, but not as bad as last year!

The weather today was hardly conducive though, and this was the only Odonata I found - in a sheltered spot.

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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