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Dragonfly and Damselfly Pics 2012

 Migrant Hawker
Migrant Hawkers, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

29 September 2012

Yet more Migrant Hawker pics! This time a mating pair and settled instead of in flight.
Migrant Hawker
Migrant Hawkers, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

29 September 2012

Another settled one in the sun.

With the temperature at only about 15 C there was still plenty of activity today when the sun was out.
 Migrant Hawker
Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

22 September 2012

Very similar to the photo below taken last week. Flight shots of this species are not too difficult to get with a bit of patience. This was even taken with manual focusing in a vain attempt to get onto the Southern Hawker that was present on the same pool.
 Southern Hawker
Southern Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

22 September 2012

I spent some time trying to get flight pics of this but without success - much more difficult than Migrant Hawker! But then it settled for a little while allowing this shot.

Must be near the end of the unusual 2012 season now...
 Emerald Damselfly
Emerald Damselfly, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

15 September 2012

Ian Waller had a first site record of this species here last weekend, and I managed to locate 3 today, of which two were copulating.

This is a very localised species in the county, with the only other regular site being Otmoor - almost at the other end of the county.

Perhaps the Shellingford ones have arrived from Berks, where for example Sole Common Pond had very good numbers earlier in the season (see below).
 Migrant Hawker Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

15 September 2012

Good to see these present in reasonable numbers for a change. There were at least 10, probably more.

Click to enlarge.
Migrant Hawker
Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

15 September 2012

See above.
 Red veined Darter
Terneral Red veined Darter, Crookham Common, Berkshire

8 September 2012

After this weeks good weather I went back in the hope of finding some more photogenic adult males. However all I found was this one terneral - somewhat disappointing.

Also no sign of the Small red eyes or the Lesser Emperor today.

Click pic to enlarge.
 Common Darter Common Darter, Greenham Common, Berkshire

18 August 2012

As well as plenty of the these, a pool just to the east of the control tower briefly had a Lesser Emperor before it was chased off by an ordinary Emperor!
 Red veined Darter
Terneral male Red veined Darter, Crookham Common, Berkshire

18 August 2012

A few ternerals were present between the main pool and the second most north easterly pool. Many thanks to Adrian Hickman for his tip off on this one! A new UK species for me!
Red veined Darter
Terneral female Red veined Darter, Crookham Common, Berkshire

18 August 2012

See above
 Small red eyed Damselfly
Small red eyed Damselfly, Crookham Common, Berkshire

18 August 2012

Several on the most north easterly pool.
 Emerald Damselfly
Emerald Damselfly, Sole Common Pond, Berkshire

12 August 2012

A large number were present around this boggy pool.
Emerald Damselfly
Emerald Damselfly, Sole Common Pond, Berkshire

12 August 2012

The view from above!
 Black-tailed Skimmer
Black-tailed Skimmer, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

11 August 2012

Unusually settled in a setting with a plain background, unlike the ground which is often their favourite location.
Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

28 July 2012

The breeze helped to slow this one down - it was hovering briefly from time to time. Very similar to a pic I got from the same site in similar conditions last year.
Small Red Damselfly Cothill NNR, Oxon

28 July 2012

One of 2-3 seen at this the only site in Oxon for them, that I am aware of.

A very difficult to access specimen - with one leg in water almost up to the brim of my wellies. And then I find afterwards it had a damaged wing!
 Keeled Skimmer
Keeled Skimmer, Cothill NNR, Oxon

28 July 2012

Note the unusual head position - normally they droop! 
 Four Spotted Chaser
Four spotted Chaser, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

30 June 2012

A very belated start to the dragonfly season this year, with all the poor weather - especially it seems at the weekends.

In blustery conditions there was a fair amount of activity at this site, despite the still very reduced water levels.

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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