Dragonfly and Damselfly Pics 2009
Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 24 October
This late, but largely disappointing dragonfly season
continues, but surely not for much longer!
Common Darter, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 10 October
It was quite surprising to find several of these
active today, so late in the season and given low numbers
throughout the settled weather in September.
Small red eyed Damselfly, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 19
August 2009
Again present this summer, following sightings here
every August since 2006.
Black Darter, Thursley Common NNR, Surrey 19 August
Nice warm conditions today, though quite breezy. Many
Black Darter were present, also one very probable Golden
Ringed Dragonfly flew across at high speed.
More common species included Emerald Damselfly,
Southern and Brown Hawkers.
Click pic to enlarge.
Southern Hawker, Sole Common Pond BBOWT reserve,
Berks 14 August 2009
There were about 5 of these at this site today. Also
present were Common Darters in good numbers and some
damselflies, including Emerald (see below). No sign of
Black Darter though, which have been seen here previously.
Emerald Damselfly, Sole Common Pond BBOWT reserve,
Berks 14 August 2009
Still present in good numbers at this site today.
Another EF100mm macro lens pic.
Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 8 August 2009
Sunny & warm at last!
Click pic to enlarge.
Emerald Damselfly, Sole Common Pond BBOWT reserve,
Berks 25 July 2009
Another EF100mm macro lens pic.
Also here were Four spotted Chasers, Southern Hawker,
Common Darter and Large Red Damselfly.
Click pic to enlarge.
Small Red Damselfly, Wildmoor Heath BBOWT reserve,
Berks 25 July 2009
My first successful shot with the EF100mm macro lens.
Also on this site were Southern Hawker, Keeled Skimmer,
Broad bodied Chaser and Golden ringed Dragonfly (not seen
by me, unfortunately).
Click pic to enlarge.
Four spotted Chaser, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 18 July
Poor conditions today - cool and windy, with low
dragonfly activity.
Male Beautiful Demoiselle, Moor Copse BBOWT reserve,
Berks. 18 July 2009
I found only one male along the river Pang at this
reserve today. Also on this site were Banded Demoiselle
in small numbers, a Brown Hawker and an Emperor.
Butterflies included Silver Washed Fritillary.
Click pic to enlarge.
Female Beautiful Demoiselle, Moor Copse BBOWT reserve,
Berks. 18 July 2009
Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 11 July 2009
An ovipositing female on the same small pool as the
Chaser below. Even flying in the rain!
Broad-bodied Chaser, Shellingford Pit, Oxon 11 July
A welcome return of this species to this site, in non
ideal conditions. Not seen here for a couple of years or
Black Pennant, Dammam, Saudi Arabia 12 June 2009
This species was near to a lake surrounded by desert.
It was initially thought to be possibly a Desert Darter,
but many thanks to Richard Lewington for suggesting it
was an immature female Black Pennant.
Black Pennant, Dammam, Saudi Arabia 12 June 2009
This shot shows the = sign on the pterostigma, which
is characteristic of this species.
Black Pennant, Dammam, Saudi Arabia 12 June 2009
And another pic.
Four spotted Chaser, Otmoor, Oxon 30 May 2009
Less distracting background than below.
Also present here were Hairy Dragonfly, Banded
Demoiselle & Large Red Damselfly.
Four spotted Chaser, Otmoor, Oxon 24 May 2009
Compared with the Hairy Dragonflies (see below) at
this site, these Chasers were much more numerous and
Also present here were Large Red Damselfly, Blue-tailed
Damselfly and masses of presumed Common Blue Damselfly.
Hairy Dragonfly, Otmoor, Oxon 24 May 2009
The new season off to a good start with a record shot
of this very localised early species. It was not at all
easy to photograph!
This is a heavily cropped shot of one that landed very
briefly right in front of me on the main track. All other
sightings were of fast moving flying individuals - next
to impossible to get onto with the camera!
Altogether I saw at least 3 of these elusive
dragonflies in the good weather today and yesterday.
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pictures copyright Stephen Burch |