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Dragonfly and Damselfly Pics 2008

  Common Darter, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

27 September 2008

Again good weather today. Probably one of the last dragonfly days of the year...

Common Darter, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

27 September 2008

See above

  Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

20 September 2008

Still much in evidence in this 'Indian Summer'.

Head on views can produce some interesting effects.

Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

20 September 2008

For flight shots, see below.

  Small Red Eyed Damselfly, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

30 August 2008

First sighting of this species this year - I could only find one individual, compared with several last year.

Fortunately, this one was nice and close to the bank, so no wading was needed this year!

Small Red Eyed Damselfly, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

30 August 2008

As above, but a lower camera angle.

   Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

30 August 2008

Only 1-2, compared with many more around this time last year. With the sun out, the shutter time was short enough to freeze the wings.

Migrant Hawker, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

30 August 2008

See above.

  Migrant Hawker, Farmoor Reservoir, Oxon

29 August 2008

Conveniently hovering outside the Pinkhill hide, but without sun the shutter time was inevitably quite long - resulting in the blurred wings.

  Southern Hawker, Downs, Oxon

15 August 2008

 Lesser Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon Lesser Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

15 August 2008

Considering how poor the summer has been so far for dragonflies, this rarity from southern Europe was a considerable surprise, especially so close to home - on the first half reasonable day for what seems like ages!

Lesser Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon Lesser Emperor, Shellingford Pit, Oxon

15 August 2008

As above. Showing the use of a smaller aperture to increase the depth of focus - note the slightly sharper wings at the expense of the more intrusive background.

 Keeled Skimmer, Goss Moor NNR, Cornwall Keeled Skimmer, Goss Moor NNR, Cornwall

1 August 2008

Goss Moor is a little known NNR in Cornwall, between Newquay and St Austell. It may have some dragonfly potential. Unfortunately the weather was poor for my visit, and insect activity was not high. Nevertheless, there were 3 Keeled Skimmer on the boardwalk section of the Marsh Fritillary trail, and elsewhere there were Southern Hawker, Banded Demoiselle and the odd Common Darter.

A longer visit in better weather might well produce more...

  Four-spotted Chaser, southern Oxon

13 July 2008

  Black-tailed Skimmer, southern Oxon

13 July 2008

At last an almost reasonable day for dragonflies, with some sun and not too much wind! Still not exactly hot, though. Many species were very active, maybe making up for lost time?

  Keeled Skimmer, central Oxon

5 July 2008

Unfortunately keeping quite low in the vegetation due to the strong wind.

  Large Red Damselfly, central Oxon

28 June 2008

Large Red Damselfly, central Oxon

28 June 2008


Southern Damselfly, central Oxon

28 June 2008

With the extension tubes, and a bit of sun from time to time. Again something of a strong wind, though less so than last week (see below).

  Southern Damselfly, central Oxon

22 June 2008

With the x1.4TC, having forgotten the extension tubes! The strong wind didn't help either.

  Red eyed Damselfly

Kennet Offshoot, near Reading.

14 June 2008

See below.

Also at this site today were a couple of Emperors.

  Male Banded Demoiselle

Kennet Offshoot, near Reading.

14 June 2008

See below

Female Banded Demoiselle

Kennet Offshoot, near Reading.

14 June 2008

See below

 Variable Damselfly

Variable Damselfly

Kennet Offshoot, near Reading.

14 June 2008

About 1/2 mile east of Burghfield Bridge by an offshoot, to the south of the main river. Thanks to DMcE in the hot news section of the British Damselfly Society's website for information on this site.

Good to start the new season in the UK with a new species for me!

 Northern White Faced Darter Northern White Faced Darter

Lake Annsjon, Sweden

8 June 2008

Adult male - the only one seen.

Here are some of the dragonflies seen in the Lake Annsjon area of central Sweden.

For a report on this visit, click here.

Northern White Faced Darter Northern White Faced Darter

Lake Annsjon, Sweden

8 June 2008

The same adult male, which was holding territory by a secluded bog pool.

White Faced Darter White Faced Darter - immature male?

Lake Annsjon, Sweden

8 June 2008

All the White Faced Darters appeared to be immatures, and were much more numerous that their northern cousins. This pic was taken along a forest ride which had large numbers, but they were surprisingly wary and difficult to approach closely.

Azure Hawker Azure Hawker (presumed)

Lake Annsjon, Sweden

8 June 2008

Seen on the same forest ride as the above. Presumed to be an Azure Hawker, although it is difficult to be sure from this pic.

Northern Damselfly Northern Damselfly

Lake Annsjon, Sweden

6 June 2008

The only one seen, and a heavily cropped shot.

For this trip, I had omitted to bring my extender tubes, so most of the dragonfly shots were taken with the next best thing - the x1.4 TC on the EF500/f5.6 lens. For more info on techniques for dragonfly pics click here.

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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