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Dragonfly and Damselfly Pics 2007

  Migrant Hawker. Click for animation! Migrant Hawker, Oxon

15 September 2007

For something a bit different, try clicking on this image to see a short animation!

Thanks to Steve Cham for the suggestion of animations.

 Migrant Hawker, Oxon Migrant Hawker, Oxon

15 September 2007

One of the best of many quite reasonable flight shots - they were hovering for relatively long periods. I even managed to get the auto-focus to work, when they were so close and still.

Migrant Hawker, Oxon Migrant Hawker, Oxon

15 September 2007

See below.

Migrant Hawker, Oxon Migrant Hawker, Oxon

15 September 2007

See below.

 Migrant Hawker, Oxon Migrant Hawker, Oxon

15 September 2007

Masses of Migrant Hawkers, just waiting to be photoed both settled and in flight.

 Southern Hawker, Little Whittenham, Oxon Southern Hawker, Little Whittenham, Oxon

15 September 2007

Back in the UK, and a good late summer 'Hawker' day, with plenty of sun & little wind. This was relatively early in the morning.

 Female Iberian Bluetail,  Praia da Luz, Portuga Female Iberian Bluetail, villa garden, Praia da Luz, Portugal

23 August 2007

Red-veined Darters, Alvor Estuary, Portugal Red-veined Darters, Alvor Estuary, Portugal

28 August 2007

One of the few dragonfly breeding habitats found - fresh water was not abundant.

Red-veined Darter, Praia da Luz, Portugal Red-veined Darter, villa garden, Praia da Luz, Portugal

29 August 2007

Red-veined Darter, Praia da Luz, Portugal Red-veined Darter, villa garden, Praia da Luz, Portugal

29 August 2007

Very numerous species...

Scarlet Darter, Praia da Luz, Portugal Scarlet Darter, villa garden, Praia da Luz, Portugal

20 August 2007

Scarlet Darter, but the obvious pale cross markings on the abdomen don't appear in the book.

Lesser Emperor, Pera Marshes, Algarve, Portugal Lesser Emperor, Pera Marshes, Algarve, Portugal

28 August 2007

Somewhat commoner in Portugal than the UK. This was the only one I found settled for long enough to take pics.

 Brown Hawker, Radley Lakes, Oxon Brown Hawker, Radley Lakes, Oxon

11 August 2007

Taken while waiting for the L Emperor to appear - not much point laying eggs in Thrupp Lake, if it is to be drained shortly..

 Lesser Emperor, Radley Lakes, Oxon Lesser Emperor, Radley Lakes, Oxon

11 August 2007

A record shot of this rarity - shows all the diagnostic features including the narrow yellow band just in front of the blue at the base of the abdomen.

 Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Oxon Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Oxon

5 August 2007

I can assure viewers of my website that this was not an easy picture to get! Needed more extreme measures than I would normally consider...

Mating pair of Small Red-eyed Damselfly, Oxon

5 August 2007

See above

 Ruddy Darter, Sole Common Pond, Berks Ruddy Darter, Sole Common Pond, Berks

4 August 2007

A not fully mature adult?

Also at this site today, Southern Hawker, Emerald Damselfly and plenty of Four-spotted Chasers. No sign though of Black Darters.

 Female Emperor, Decoy Heath, Berks Female Emperor ovipositing, Decoy Heath, Berks

28 July 2007

I'm reliably informed that BBOWT has recently put a lot of effort into this excellent reserve, which would have been much better for dragonflies if the weather hadn't been so appalling recently!

Apparently Keeled Skimmer, and Small Red Damselfly occur here, as well as Downy (but probably not Brilliant) Emerald. No sign of any of these rarer species in only just passable (for dragonflies) conditions today.


Male Emperor, Oxon

Male Emperor, Oxon

21 July 2007

Plenty of these around today in a brief sunny spell, having clearly survived the deluge of yesterday, albeit a bit battered!

This one would come in to settle in a sheltered corner when the sun went behind clouds, but took off again the moment the sun reappeared - about 1 sec after this shot was taken!

 Black Darter, Whixall Moss NNR, Shropshire Immature Black Darter, Whixall Moss NNR, Shropshire

7 July 2007

I first thought this was an immature Ruddy Darter, but thanks to Kate Dent from Berks, for correcting me. The diagnostic 3 yellow spots in the black band on the side of the thorax are clearly visible.

 Emerald Damselfly, Whixall Moss NNR, Shropshire Emerald Damselfly, Whixall Moss NNR, Shropshire

7 July 2007

In poor, windy conditions, there was no sign of White-faced Darter which was the main object of this trip. But these damselflies were some compensation, in a few pools sheltered by a small clump of trees.


Common Darter, Greenham Common, Berks

Immature Common Darter, Greenham Common, Berks

23 June 2007

No sign of the Red-veined Darters here today in far from ideal conditions. As well as a few Common Darter, there were Black-tailed Skimmers, Emperors & various common Damselflies here.

 Blue tailed Damselfly, Oxon Blue tailed Damselfly, Oxon

17 June 2007

Presumed female of the form violacea

 Common Blue Damselfly, Oxon Male Common Blue Damselfly, Oxon

17 June 2007

 Downy Emerald, Sole Common Pond, Berks Downy Emerald, Sole Common Pond, Berks

10 June 2007

I appreciate this isn't the sharpest picture, but dragonflies in flight aren't easy!

This was at least hovering for a second or two. Usually just long enough to find it in the camera, but not to focus and press the shutter! Once or twice it stayed put for just a little longer.

More light in the form of sunshine would have improved matters, and given faster shutter times to avoid the wing blur.

 Red eyed Damselfly, Oxon Red eyed Damselfly, Oxon

9 June 2007

 Four spotted Chaser, Oxon Four spotted Chaser, Oxon

9 June 2007

  Club tailed Dragonfly, Goring, Oxon

2 June 2007

See below.

Club tailed Dragonfly, Goring, Oxon

2 June 2007

Success at last! Not easy to spot, or photo, though. Best picked up in flight low over the river, and then follow them until they settle. However, this one didn't stay in any one place for long, and disappeared around 13:00.

 Banded Demoiselle, Goring, Oxon Banded Demoiselle, Goring, Oxon

20 May 2007

See below for comments on technical aspects.

Taken while abortively searching for Club-tailed. Definitely my bogey species!

 Blue-tailed Damselfly, Goring, Oxon Female Blue-tailed Damselfly, Goring, Oxon

20 May 2007

My first attempt with extension tubes (all 3 Jessops together!) on the EOS350D & EF 400mm. Certainly allows much higher magnification - bringing damselflies into 'play'. Somewhat predictably, the downside is the incredibly small depth of field, even at quite small aperture. Tripod essential!

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2008 dragonfly pics?
© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch

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