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Damselfly and Dragonfly pictures 2004 & one from 2003

 Ruddy Darter Ruddy Darter, Wantage Canal, Oxfordshire

5 September 2004

It was a pleasant surprise to find several Ruddy Darter along this stagnant and apparently polluted stretch of water. Initially I thought they were Common Darter (as seen the day before - see below), but checking the pics afterwards soon revealed their true identity!

 Common Darter Common Darter, Pit 60, Lower Windrush Valley Gravel Pits, Oxfordshire

4 September 2004

At last a warm, sunny day!

 Emerald Damselfly Emerald Damselfly, Thursley Common, Surrey

24 July 2004

 Common Blue Damselfly Common Blue Damselfly, Thursley Common, Surrey

24 July 2004

 Common Hawker (blue form female) Azure Hawker (female), Fokstumyra reserve, Norway

11 July 2004

(for further details, see trip reports section)

 Banded Demoiselle Banded Demoiselle, Goring, Oxon

6 June 2004

In summer, dragonflies and damselflies make easier targets than breeding birds!

 Four spotted Chaser Four spotted Chaser, Otmoor, Oxon

15 May 2004

No need for the 'scope on this one!


Golden Ringed Dragonfly, Loch an Eileen, Highland, Scotland

7 August 2003

Taken in gloriously hot weather during the incredible summer of 2003!

I'm including this mediocre record shot, as it was my first ever dragonfly pic. It played a significant role in starting my interest in dragonflies.

© All pictures copyright Stephen Burch